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Way Win
Win PC Booster

Speed-up and Optimize your PC

200 automated fixes that improve PC performance
Improvement of system boot time
Removal of unnecessary programs
Optimization of Internet and browser settings
Retrieval of valuable hard drive space
Defragmentation and bad sector checks

Windows XP, Vista,
(both 32-bit & 64-bit)
Win PC Booster

$59.99 $49.99

PC Tune Up

Whether you want to speed up your PC or clean up your hard drive, Way Win can return your computer and operating system to peak performance.

IncludedNot Included
200 automated fixes that improve PC performance Reinstallation of operating system on your PC
Removal of unnecessary programs, processes, files,
startup items and system services
Data backup
Improvement of system boot time Troubleshooting of home networking and virus issues
Tune-up of memory management Download and installation of security products
Retrieval of valuable hard drive space 
Optimization of Internet and browser settings 
Defragmentation and bad sector checks 
Schedule critical Windows and service pack updates 
Review of anti-spyware and antivirus definitions