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Domain Register your domain

Why register a domain?

If you're trying to launch your site on internet or make it online the first thing you need is the domain name registration. If you are doing business or any other purpose you have launched your site then also you need domain name but choose the domain name according to your business as your domain name is the most part and important too for you as well as for your customers.

Short domain name: It is advisable to keep your domain obloquy short because longer domain obloquy are difficult to spell & remember. With tiny bit of creative thinking you surely could come up with one. Use of keywords: Keywords as well as the study of your company could be used as domain name. This would increase search engine ranking for your website.

When you register a domain name then you must view what will be the extension like Top Level Domain (TLD) or Domain Extension. Basically there are two types of Top Level Domains."generic" TLDs, or "gTLDs" are most common TLDs(.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .ws) and ones which are country-specific(ccTLD) for e.g. (.in,.uk). you may choose any of the extension for example if you register a domain in United Kingdom you may choose .com or .uk